Beyond IBS

Why it works

A mind body approach

Science of the mind and body

Address the specific ways that your emotions have impacted your gut.

Targeted to you

An advanced approach tailored to your root cause and symptoms.

Lasting self-healing

Transformation from chronic cycles. Empowering you with your health.

It's not "just stress"

Minimising stress is damaging for our health. Stress has a very real and significant impact on our physical health.

It can feel like this all gets swept under the carpet when someone says “it’s just stress”. It is never “just stress”. Prolonged stress and painful emotions that sit in our bodies cause chronic health issues.

Up to 90% of GP appointments
are stress-related.

Beyond stress management


Stress management techniques can bring relief from your digestive symptoms and day-to-day challenges. However, if you have experienced prolonged or intense stress, such as conflict, loss or abuse, these traumas live on in your body long after the event. You may be able to mentally put it aside – but your body remembers and holds on.

If you have residual stress in your body, managing stress can feel like continually mopping the floor. We need to go beyond mopping up and find the leak. We can go beyond alleviating symptoms and fully uproot them. 

Beyond lifestyle changes

IBS is not your fault.

You may have tried various dietary changes, which can bring some relief – but lead you to believe that your lifestyle choices are the cause of IBS.

A healthy lifestyle gives you vitality and supports your body, but we look deeper than lifestyle choices, to emotions, stress, thoughts and our environments. Together, these are the linchpin of a healthier gut. This is how we uproot your symptoms.



Connecting the dots

The 6 root causes of IBS

Our symptoms are intricately connected to our minds and environment. To self-heal, we address your root causes holistically. This is a new way of approaching health, but you may have already noticed some links:

  1. Have stressful life events impacted your gut?
  2. Do emotions affect your digestion?
  3. How do your thoughts or beliefs affect your symptoms?
  4. Socially, do your relationships and situations trigger stress?
  5. Does a healthy lifestyle support your gut?
The 6 root causes of IBS

I’ve created a free guide to help you dive deeper with these questions at home.


Transformation for your body and mind

Book a 20 minute free chat

I’d love to meet you, discuss your needs and concerns – and feel how it could be to work together.

Grow awareness

Begin exploring your ‘why’ today. Gain a new connection to your body and understanding of your health.